All About Dental Implants


Dental implants are artificial teeth that are surgically implanted into the jawbone. This toronto dental implants procedure typically involves two separate surgeries. The first involves placing the implant in the jawbone, followed by stitching the gum tissue. The second stage involves attaching a temporary restoration to the implant posts. Dental implants can last for a lifetime if cared for properly. They are also a viable alternative to bridges. If you have several missing teeth, dental implants can group them together.

After the procedure, patients must follow a strict oral hygiene regimen and follow instructions provided by their dental professionals. They may be asked to eat soft foods for a few days and refrain from smoking. Smoking is especially damaging to dental implants and must be avoided while healing. Once the gums have fully healed, dental professionals will remove sutures. This allows them to monitor the gums for infection and proper growth. If you have any concerns, call your dental provider immediately.

Dental implants help preserve the jawbone. When a tooth is lost, it naturally starts to decay, resulting in loss of other teeth. The jawbone also begins to look "sunken" due to decreased support. Dental implants integrate with bone, providing stimulus to keep the jawbone from deteriorating. In addition to improving your smile, dental implants can also increase your confidence and your overall health. You may even find yourself smiling more, and eating healthier foods without concern about your appearance.

If you have missing teeth, you may experience social anxiety. It's important to have strong teeth to be socially active. Missing teeth can also cause the neighboring teeth to begin to drift, leading to the jawbone degrading. Dental implants available on this homepage prevent this degradation from happening and can prevent facial deformities. The benefits of dental implants far outweigh the disadvantages of not having a full set of teeth. For this reason, dental implants are a viable option for a missing tooth.

Another option is bone grafting, which involves lifting the gum to expose an area of deformed bone and building it up. This process improves the quality of your jawbone and prepares it for dental implant surgery. By using a titanium post that is embedded into the jawbone, dental implants do not require any additional maintenance, and can be removed without any complications. A dentist can install a dental implant in a short period of time, depending on the severity of your case.

If you are missing more than one tooth, multiple implants may be a good option. If your gums and surrounding teeth are healthy, a full mouth/arch procedure is recommended. In addition to this, you can replace one single tooth with dental implants if you need to. In either case, the replacement tooth will look and function just like other natural teeth. You can choose between different options depending on your needs. There are benefits to both options.

During the first stage of dental implants, the dentist will drill a hole into the jawbone and then insert a titanium post that serves as the tooth root. The post will then fuse with the jawbone over a period of several months. If you have gum tissue that has reacted well to the titanium post, the final crown can be attached on the same day as the abutment. A temporary crown is often placed until the post and jawbone have fused. Explore more about dental implants on this site:

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